Exterior Residential Painting Services
Painting is our bread and butter. We provide high-quality painting services in Annapolis and the surrounding area. We genuinely believe we offer the highest quality outcomes for our price and the best quality work at ANY price. As an exterior painting contractor, we employ the best techniques, the highest quality of paint, and only trained professionals with many years of experience.
In addition to these reasons, please be sure to read our “Choosing a Contractor” article to make sure you are covering your bases when shopping around.
Reasons to choose us for your next Exterior Painting project
- Our 20+ years of experience, hundreds of customers, and dozens of references do not lie!
- We only hire gentlemen who are incredibly diligent and take pride in our very high quality of work.
- We approach every job with great care and consideration for each homeowner.
- We consult to help choose the right colors and design to ensure we meet expectations.
- We consult to help choose the right colors and design to ensure we meet expectations.
- We only use the highest quality paint around.
- We only make suggestions based on what you want or need. We will never overcharge or attempt to coerce you into making a decision that is not in your best interest.
- Our prep work and finishing touches are second to none. Most people underestimate the importance of quality prep work; it’s not just a matter of slapping some paint on the walls!
- We are licensed, insured, lead certified, and take our trade very seriously.
A Sampling of Our Exterior Projects
Pricing Starting at...
$9490per project
- Exterior Painting
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