The exterior of your house is what everyone will see when they drive by, including “keeping up with the Jones” neighbors, maybe your Mom, and definitely a prospective buyer or renter. Velma realized that the peeling and chipping of paint on her house was not only weighing on her mind, but it was also decreasing the value of her home.

It’s Important to Know What to Do
Our team at CPS knew exactly the steps that we needed in order to make this house look as good as new. It is important to not only know how to paint but what material are you painting on your home? What prep work must be done to ready that material? Does it need to be chipped or powerwashed first? What kind of paint is being applied?
The wrong paint will have you repainting again in less than 5 years.
Whether working with us or someone else, it is critical you answer these questions before beginning a job. Of course, the plan and work performed will ultimately dictate the price of the project so be an informed consumer from the start. It just so happens we give free advice so give us a call anytime.

Powerwashing was a Critical Early Step in the Process
In order to provide Velma with the best results, we started by pressure washing the entire exterior of the house. Pressure washing will remove majority of the chipping paint, dirt, and mildew off of the exterior of the house. Once pressure washing is completed we then begin by sanding and scraping to ensure that all loose paint is removed from the siding of the home.
After sanding and scraping our painters than begin to put a primer coat on the exposed bare wood. The primer prevents the wood from rotting an allows the paint to last longer.

Using the Best Paint on the Exterior
Once the primer dries, we then begin painting. For exterior painting jobs it is very important to have two coats of paint in order to provide full coverage. However, before we even begin, choosing the best paint type for the material it will be applied and even the climate conditions is critical to the longevity of a quality job. Our team are experts in this assessment and we only work with the highest quality paint from the best suppliers.
Velma was very happy with the results and now her house is back to the way it used to look. You would never know that this house is 100 years old anymore.
Lastly, it is important to know when to paint the exterior of your home. Doing so in the dead of winter is a huge mistake. The weather conditions must be right so painting in the Annapolis area is usually best from April through October. Our calendar fills quickly so don’t delay in contacting us for that free estimate.